

Sunday, September 2, 2012

PASADENA (Pumpkin Vandalism) 300 pound pumpkin destroyed

PASADENA — Prize-winning gardener Mae Powell's giant pumpkins have been a source of pride in her east Pasadena neighborhood for years, but neighbors were shocked Friday morning to see the pumpkins in pieces strewn along the street in front of her house.

One of the pumpkins destroyed was a 300 pound “giant pumpkin” Powell, 93, was planning to enter into the “Pumpkinmania” weigh-off contest in Irvine this October. But now, she said, it's ruined.

Mae Powell, 93, stands in front of a 300 pound giant pumpkin she had planned to enter into a contest this fall. The pumpkin was impaled by vandals Thursday night. (Lauren Gold, Staff)
year I win a prize,” she said, “but I can't enter this one now. ... Who knows what I'll do.”

Powell had also planned to donate the other four broken pumpkins to the Huntington Library's Children's Garden, which she has done for five years.

Powell said she filed a police report and is offering a $1,000 reward for anyone with information about the vandalism.

Powell filed a vandalism report with the Temple City Sheriff's Station, but Lt. Ignacio Somoano said there was no “workable information” at this point. Ignacio said the vandalism caused $200 in damage.

Read more: http://www.pasadenastarnews.com/news/ci_21444983/pasadena-womans-prize-winning-pumpkins-destroyed#ixzz25KNfJPFx

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